"Pre-emptive war was invented by Adolf Hitler. To be perfectly
honest, I wouldn't take anyone who came up with such a thing
seriously". --Dwight David Eisenhower in 1953

If we don't stop extending our troops all around the world and
nation building missions, then we're going to have a serious
problem coming down the road. --GWB in 2000

"They had flowers in their minds."
--Doug Feith on Iraqi attitudes

FDR, Pearl Harbor and the U.N.

In a long editorial in Life magazine entitled
‘The American Century,’ publisher Henry
Luce noted the ‘golden opportunity’ for
world leadership that the United States had
passed up in 1919, and called on the American
people to help Roosevelt succeed where Wilson
had failed. It was now the time, Luce wrote,
to accept ‘our duty and our opportunity as
the most powerful and vital nation in the

Criticism of the term "neoconservative"

Some of those identified as neoconservatives
refuse to embrace the term.
Origins of the Species Neo-Con
The Politics of 'Creative Destruction'
by Chris Moore -July 14, 2005
The Plan
Were Neo-Conservatives’ 1998 Memos a
Blueprint for Iraq War?
There is a growing awareness that a reclusive
German émigré philosopher is the
inspiration behind the reigning
neoconservative ideology of the Republican
Party. Leo Strauss has long been a cult
figure within the North American academy. And
even though he had a profound antipathy to
both liberalism and democracy, his disciples
have gone to great lengths to conceal the
The blueprint for what has happened since
9/11 was drawn up years earlier, by the
Project for the New American Century (PNAC),
a think tank formed in 1997 "to promote
American global leadership." Its founders are
a who's who of the neoconservative movement,
which seamlessly morphed into the top
officialdom of the Bush II administration:
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Vice
President Dick Cheney, Cheney's chief of
staff L.Scooter Libby, Deputy Secretary of
Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Defense Policy Board
member Richard Perle, and National Security
Council staff member (and convicted liar)
Elliot Abrams, among others.
The FBI has intensified its investigation of
senior members of what was formerly known as
the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans on
suspicion that one of them passed highly
classified U.S. military information to the
government of Israel, according to federal
law enforcement officials.
The "lie of convenience" is based on the
neocon argument that the US needed a
"footprint" in the Middle East to both secure
our oil supplies and provide military
security to Israel. But it ignores the many
nations in the region where we now have
military bases (some huge), the power and
ability of our navy, and the power of
Israel's military. And it doesn't explain how
our getting bogged down in Iraq could
possibly advance our interests at home or
around the world.
From Communism to Terrorism
by Jacob G. Hornberger,
June 13, 2005
The largest controversy of Feith's Pentagon
career concerned his role in the lead-up to
the war. Feith created two new units within
his policy shop: the Office of Special Plans
and the Policy Counterterrorism Evaluation
Group. Special Plans was the name given to a
new subregional office focussed on Iraq. The
Ian Fleming-like label was chosen, Feith
said, to obscure its mission; at the time,
the Bush Administration was publicly pursuing
a diplomatic solution to the Iraq crisis, and
the Pentagon did not want to advertise that
it was engaged in planning for postwar Iraq.
"Dear Mr. President:
We are writing you because we are convinced
that current American policy toward Iraq is
not succeeding, and that we may soon face a
threat in the Middle East more serious than
any we have known since the end of the Cold
The president has not always been as much of
a neocon as his speech Thursday
suggested. When he first ran for president in
2000, Rice, then his top foreign policy
advisor, wrote an article promising that Bush
would pursue a modest, limited foreign
policy, and criticized the attempts at
democratization and "nation-building" of the
Democratic administration of President
Clinton. -- January 22, 2005
PNAC, You've Come a Long Way, Baby
January 20, 2004
Who's Behind the Oil-for-Food Scandal?
by Jude Wanniski
IRAQ Occupation and Resistance Report
The Anniversary of a Neo-Imperial Moment
Were Neo-Conservatives' 1998 Memos a
Blueprint for Iraq War?
Of even further interest is the ironic and
direct link between Richard Perle and
terrorism. A recent fundraiser in support of
the victims of the Iranian earthquake in Bam,
sponsored by the Mujahedin-e-Khalq, asked
Richard Perle to be their keynote
speaker. Despite rejections by other groups
to speak at the event, based upon the US
state department’s official designation
that the MEK is an officially designated
“foreign terrorist organization”,
Richard Perle knew of the designation,
ignored it, and was happy to oblige and raise
monies - monies which were immediately seized
after the event by U.S. Treasury agents. The
MEK is the same terrorist organization that
attempted to assassinate Richard Nixon in
A subtext of PNAC, called Rebuilding
America's Defenses, extended the goal to
unchallengeable US global domination,
supported by a quiet, accepting electorate at
home. To achieve the needed level of
(fear-driven) popular support, they actually
stated, would require the equivalent of "a
new Pear Harbor." After such a cataclysmic
event, the ensuing fear would make it easy to
get popular support for anything that could
be advertised as "defending our
An antiwar group in Brussels created a shadow
international tribunal that convicted the
Project for the New American Century, a
neoconservative think tank founded by
Kristol, for war crimes.
Wikipedia, a free, openly-editable
encyclopedia, has an entry for the PNAC,
which has quite a few helpful links, and
provides a pretty straightforward overview. I
take issue with the contention there that the
PNAC is "right-wing" -- there's not much
that's legitimately conservative about the
PNAC's embrace of government power and
growth, and neither pre-emptive war or
"liberating" foreign countries are right-wing
any more than they are left-wing tendencies.

Donald Rumsfeld has his own special
sources. Are they reliable?

"They call themselves, self-mockingly, the
Cabal—a small cluster of policy advisers
and analysts now based in the Pentagon’s
Office of Special Plans. In the past year,
according to former and present Bush
Administration officials, their operation,
which was conceived by Paul Wolfowitz, the
Deputy Secretary of Defense, has brought
about a crucial change of direction in the
American intelligence community. These
advisers and analysts, who began their work
in the days after September 11, 2001, have
produced a skein of intelligence reviews that
have helped to shape public opinion and
American policy toward Iraq. They relied on
data gathered by other intelligence agencies
and also on information provided by the Iraqi
National Congress, or I.N.C., the exile group
headed by Ahmad Chalabi. By last fall, the
operation rivalled both the C.I.A. and the
Pentagon’s own Defense Intelligence
Agency, the D.I.A., as President Bush’s
main source of intelligence regarding
Iraq’s possible possession of weapons of
mass destruction and connection with Al
Qaeda. As of last week, no such weapons had
been found. And although many people, within
the Administration and outside it, profess
confidence that something will turn up, the
integrity of much of that intelligence is now
in question."

Pre-emptive action is the moral code of despots

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Most Americans believe that Bush doctrine
policies are in response to the terrorist
attacks of 9-11. Although its long-term goals
of extending freedom and democracy and
crushing terrorism are laudable, the means
are dangerous and ill-advised, and have
alienated countries around the globe.

America's Messianic War Cult

We have met the hegemony, and he is us
by Matthew Hogan hoganzeroes@aol.com


Who's flying the plane? --- The probable
terrifying final thoughts of many September
11, 2001 victims.

Today, many are asking the same thing about
the Bush Administration's subsequent foreign
policy. Despite failing to secure Osama
bin-Laden's fate, the Administration now
careens in search of ever-expanding Executive
Branch-initiated war against an "axis of
evil." First stop, Iraq.
Bin Laden set the trap, and think-tank
refugees from the American Enterprise
Institute walked U.S. troops into it.
The president's real goal in Iraq
"Rebuilding America's Defenses"
A Summary Blueprint of the PNAC Plan
for U.S. Global Hegemony

Some people have compared it to Hitler's
publication of Mein Kampf, which was ignored
until after the war was over.

Compiled by Bette Stockbauer

'"Advanced forms of biological warfare that
can target specific genotypes may transform
biological warfare from the realm of terror
to a politically useful tool" (p. 60).'
Project for the New American Century
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Leon Trotsky's
What It Is and How To Fight It

Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change'
Before Becoming President

Sunday, September 15, 2002
The Sunday Herald (Scotland)

Congressman Abraham Lincoln on President James K. Polk and his Mexican War:
"Allow the President to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall
deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so,
whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such a purpose --
and you allow him to make war at pleasure.

Study to see if you can fix any limit to his power in this respect,
after you have given him so much.

If, today, he should choose to say he thinks it necessary to invade
Canada, to prevent the British from invading us, how could you stop him?

You may say to him, 'I see no probability of the British invading us'
but he will say to you, 'Be silent; I see it, if you don't.'"

(Lincoln: Speeches and Writings 1832-1858, The Library of America)

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