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911 : 9/10- 9/11: The Johnstown "Terror Team" Cover-up
Posted by admin on 2004/12/5 20:40:15 (925 reads)

9/10- 9/11: The Johnstown "Terror Team" Cover-up

Two chapters by Ewing2001 and John Doe II (Team 8+*)

Pt1: 9/10: The Johnstown-Cambria Airport "Terror" Team -By Ewing2001
Pt2: 9/11: What's happening at Johnstown-Cambria Airport? -By JohnDoe II

The Johnstown-Cambria Airport "Terror" Team

By Ewing2001

December 6, 2004

The final procedures: Johnstown, Pennsylvannia and DC

Many 9/11 researchers pray it all over again: "There were lots of warnings."
It was more than this. The United States lied to us.
During 2001, especially in the summer, they mentally prepared, drilled, trained and brainwashed local U.S. communities about a pending (bio-)terror attack, including in the areas of Westmore County/Johnstown/Shanksville, Florida, DC and New York.

In these 2 parts we will once again focus on the Johnstown Area, which was 30 miles away from the official crash of "flight93".

On September 10th, 2001, the day before 9/11, the Cambria County Local Emergency Planning Committee, had their final "terror meeting" of many, which took place in the area around Shanksville....

They were not alone.

Let's make this very clear at this point, every focus on "warnings" or "wargames" only, is misleading and supporting the "negligence theory". 9/11 was not the result of negligence.
The United States orchestrated the attacks on highest military- and intelligence level and sent their representatives into the particular areas.

Despite claims of some researchers, it is not clear, who and how many of the White House officials had been actively involved in the whole 9/11 plan, but some of them, who have, had strong connections to Douglas Feith and the PNAC think tank.

One of the key persons outside the White House, which obviously had prior knowledge about a pending attack, was Rep. John Murtha in Pennsylvannia, who had a huge address book with military contacts.

During the last days before 9/11, nothing was as usual.
Various anti-terror teams in the United States, met to exercise and analyse a pending terror attack. Some of them "did" 9/11.

On September 8th, at the Buffalo Niagara airport (NY), an Erie County practice run included a "full-scale terrorist exercise".
More than 350 participants were involved in this exercise that simulated an aircraft landing with a terrorist on board and the threat of an explosive device on the plane.

On September 10th, as reported by Newsweek, a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns.

On the same day, the NRO, another U.S. Intelligence Unit, prepared the last steps of their Sep11th-"scenario":
Crashing planes into their headquarter.
Furthermore, the NSA received a coded terror message: "Tomorrow is Zero Day".

The countdown continued...

On September 10th, also 10 members of the "Cambria County Local Emergency Planning Committee" (CCLEPC), met in the air traffic control tower at the John Murtha Johnstown Cambria County Airport in Richland Township, which would face only a couple of hours later, a strong incident: 9/11 and the alleged hijack of Flight 93 into this area.

Sergeant James Koshute, Michael Hoover, Ron Springer, Ralph Saylor, Bernie McCreadie, June Kania, Mike Huss, Vikki King, Georgia Lehman and Leah Spangler met at the airport on 9/10.

Did they or their contacts have prior knowledge about 9/11, or was one of them even involved in an "Inside Job"?

Let's take a closer look into the background of the participants...:

Sergeant James Koshute

Sergeant James Koshute of the 258 Air Traffic Control Squadron from the Pennsylvania Air National Guard served as the host.
Generally ignored in all mainstream articles about the official story, this military unit moved already on Sep. 1, 1997 to Johnstown-Cambria County Airport, in mid-2001 renamed to Murtha Cambria.

Johnstown Cambria was basically also a military airport, long time before 9/11.
They had the United States Marine Corp., the Army National Guard, the Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs and the 258th at the airport.
In 1999, the tower, operated by the Pennsylvania Air National Guard, was contracted by the Army Corps of Engineers, designed by Baker Associates and built by Cleveland Construction Co.(CCI)

The 258th was very experienced in military radar operations.
During 1995 and 1996 at "Operation Snake Bite", air defense operations in Florida, but also
assisting the FAA, by providing their mobile tower and personnel in Erie and Ohio.

In August 1999, Rep. John Murtha opened a new, $2.5 million passenger terminal.
Prior, he also brought in $48 million for National Guard and Reserve facilities for national defense with over 200 full-time personnel, including the new Air Traffic Control Tower.
In the same month, former President Clinton signed a new military construction appropriations that included $6.2 million to construct an Air National Guard Air Traffic Control Training Complex and $6.3 million for an Army Reserve Maintenance Facility, both to be built near the Johnstown-Cambria County Airport.
More on Murtha later.

It should be also mentioned, that in opposite to reports about ATC Cambria/Johnstown, the 258 Air Traffic Control Squadron, had their own professional AN/MPN-14 Radar Set.
It was a "complete ground-controlled approach facility.. to identify and locate approaching aircraft and instructed pilots in guiding their aircraft to a safe landing during reduced visibility."
Did they use it on Sep11th, to track "flight 93"?

(Photo: Ron Springer in a June 2003 exercise)

Ron Springer, Ralph Saylor

Ralph Saylor was the local Assistant Fire Chief, Ron Springer director of the "Cambria County Emergency Management".
Springer resides in Ebensburg, PA.

Following the activities prior the Sep10th "terror meeting", it becomes clear, that their members had been involved into terror scenarios during the whole year, and carefully briefed on possible attacks.
From the timeline during mid 2001:

May 22
Robbin Melnyk, Carol Peretin and Bernie McCreadie met with officials from Verizon concerning 9-1-1 telephone systems.

May 23rd
Ron Springer, Ralph Saylor and Bernie McCreadie represented the Department at a planning session on developing a countywide Hazard Mitigation Plan.

July 11
Ron Springer attended a pilot's group meeting at the John Murtha Johnstown Cambria County Airport concerning aircraft search and rescue operations and available resources.
It seems, that Springer was with the "Region 13 Task Force", which was already formed three years before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, in 1998.

This group, formed as a federal pilot program, "unified training and used pooled resources to improve readiness".
Director of this group was Robert Full: "It has been a strong partnership since 1998".

July 17
Ralph Saylor represented the Department at a program/software review session on terrorism preparedness with "Consequence Management Interoperability" (CMI) in Johnstown.

The significance of both July 11 and July 17th meetings, point on another important connection between Johnstown and the Pentagon:

The so called "Consequence Management Interoperability System" (CMIS), was in reality developed by the U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command CSLE Marine/NBC.
After 9/11, CMIS, was renamed into DMI – Services or Disaster Management Interoperability Services (DMIS), possibly to cover their tracks.
CMI-Services was also funded through the Department of Defense.
Their newsletter editor during 2001 was Roger N. Fritzel from Battelle, another bio defense contractor.

During the 2001 "terror meetings", the developer of CMIS aka DMIS, also offered for participants of these meetings, to become stakeholders of their emergency software.
Some of them obviously became partners, made some money and shut their mouths.

Also, the "Region 13 Task Force", worked later with another emergency software product, which was connected with the military.

This emergency software was developed by Evoxis Inc., which used to make automated communications software for the financial services industry.

Evoxis was founded in July 2001, by Mohan Ramani, who came from Clairvoyance Corporation.
Vice President Christopher Dinnin joined Evoxis following a 16-year career at Accenture.
Laurie Ann Sims, another vice president, came from Westinghouse Communications and Adelphia.
Many others worked prior Evoxis for Marconi.

Marconi, Accenture and Westinghouse are Pentagon contractors.
(After 9/11, Accenture became also part of a military task force, together with Northrop-Grumman, Lockheed-Martin and EDS, pushing the e-voting industry.)

The role of these pre-9/11 "terror softwares" and their psychological impact of their background becomes even more clear, if we look into the connections of another member of the Johnstown Terror Meetings, Michael Huss:

Michael Huss

Fire Chief Michael Huss worked for the City of Johnstown and had many interesting connections.

Prior to the Sep10th-"terror meeting" at the Johnstown airport, he also was involved in two "stakesholder meetings" of CMI-Services (CMIS), on July 17 and 18.

Attending these meetings high rank U.S. Military Officials:

Dr. Scott M. Eyestone, lead functional analyst of CMIS and consultant to the U. S. Department of Defense (DoD).

Tim Baughman, Director of the Western Region of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA).

Colonel Richard Kiehart, USAR, Commanding Officer of the 464th US Army Reserve Chemical Brigade stationed in Johnstown, specialised in advanced drills (see below).
Kiehart, was present for the kick-off briefing during these Johnstown Meetings.

CMIS/DMIS is run by Dr. Scott M. Eyestone, consultant to the D.O.D., and Richard D. Munnikhuysen, who was Battelle's Director of DoD Operations.(see CMIS history* at Notes)

As an acquisition specialist in the U.S. Navy, Munnikhuysen served in various capacities on major weapon systems acquisition projects (the AEGIS program*).

Fire Chief Huss, apparently targeted as a stakesholder for CMIS/DMIS, was also involved in another terror "workshop" on July 9th

Among the attendees included:

Jerry Mothershead, Department of the Navy
Dr. Scott Eyestone, CMIS
Romaine Session Key, Senior Systems Analyst for CMIS,
former Project Manager for the Air Force,
computer specialist with the Air Force Audit Agency

plus Dr. Barry Erlick, ex-USAMRIID!
Here we also have another coincidence pattern of the 9/11-anthrax connection, often ignored by many 9/11 researchers.

Erlick- head of the Military Intel Terror Operation in Johnstown/Shanksville?

The background of Dr. Barry Erlick was obviously helpful to prepare the responsible fire units in this area on a pending terror attack. Erlick represented the perfect authority for this purpose:

Between 1978 and 1982 he served as a Principal Research Investigator and Deputy Chief, Viral Biology, U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland.

In 1982 Dr. Erlick joined U.S. Army Medical Information and Intelligence Agency, renamed the Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center (AFMIC) in 1986.
Since 1982 he served in numerous senior level positions for AFMIC and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) including; Chief of the Scientific & Technical Division and Chief Scientist, AFMIC; Chief of the Department of Defense (DoD) Biological Threat Analysis Center; Chairman of the Chemical and Biological Warfare Subcommittee of the Weapons and Space Systems Intelligence Committee of the Director of Central Intelligence; and Senior Scientist and Deputy Chief of the Chemical and Biological Warfare Analysis Division, DIA.
Chief Scientist, Special Programs Battelle Memorial Institute.

Erlick also served as the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Chief Scientist for Biological and Chemical Warfare before joining the Department of Agriculture in June 2001.

It appears to be strange, that after an impressive career at military and intelligence, Erlick decided to work at the Department of Agriculture.

Was the purpose of Erlick's position to have an input on the pre-terror script of Sep11th?

During these workshops and all other forthcoming meetings, their protocols also promoted the following event of August 6-10, 2001, which they promoted, "will be of interest to CMI-Services stakeholders":

The International Conference on Disaster Management, Rosen Centre Hotel Orlando

A look into the archive of this event, and other sources, reveals, that David Tait, President of this Conference, was promoting this event since at least early May 2001, by
sending out emails about it.

Only 4 weeks away from 9/11, this conference on Disaster Management included the American Red Cross, Department of Justice, FEMA, FBI, National Emergency Management Association (NEMA), International Association of Chiefs of Police, Institute on Business and Home Safety, the National Domestic Preparedness Office and others.

One of the participants of this conference was Trina Hembree, executive director of NEMA.

Interestingly, Hembree even "predicted" 9/11, in one of her early studies.
As one of the NEMA newsletters reveal, in 2000 she wrote already a "prophetic essay", "Terrorism Comes to America," and worked since then with state emergency management directors on domestic preparedness.

Coincidentally, on Sep11th, Hembree was at the annual terror conference of NEMA in Big Sky, Montana, and together with high rank officials from FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency:
"...She watched the state directors switch from speechless shock at the horror on large-screen TV to hectic activity..."

The NEMA conference (photo above) seems to be not the only one, which "coincidentally" invited top security specialists for Sep11th.
Also, on the same day, "Jane's Facility Security", organised by the leading source of information on defense, met at the West Coast Salt Lake Hotel.

August 6th, 2001: "Terror workshop" at Rosen Centre Hotel, Orlando

4 weeks earlier, at the 5-day "terror workshop" at Rosen Centre Hotel Orlando, their program sounded already like a standard homeland security briefing from 2003/04:

On monday morning, their speakers performed in their "Session Terrorism A", a "WMD Biological Tabletop Exercise" and finished the day with the topic, "The Red Cross Role in Terrorism" and
"Blackout: Coping with Power Outages".

On tuesday, the opening Plenary Session included some well known individuals from the 2002 9/11 Cover-up procedures, during the 9/11 panel meetings:

Joe Allbaugh, Director, FEMA (who also was accused of having destroyed some documents of Bush'a National Guard "career"), with the topic "New Initiatives and New Directions at FEMA" and former ex-FBIHQ Dale Watson, ex-CIA, Assistant Director, Counterterrorism Division, FBI (who later went to Booz Allen Hamilton, to join ex-CIA and PNAC supporter R. James Woolsey).

Watson spoke on August 7th, 2001, only 1 day after Bush was briefed with a CIA memo on a pending attack on the United States:
"Bin Laden Determined To Strike in US".

Yet the very same Watson is blocking in the same month alerts from FBI agent Colleen Rowley, about Zacarias Moussaoui?

The same concerned Watson, who later allowed relatives of the Bin Laden Family, to leave the U.S.?

The terror conference in Orlando showed clearly, how well the United States was mentally prepared for an attack.

This conference furthermore included topics like "How the American Red Cross is Prepared to Deal with Outbreaks of Terrorism", by John Clizbe (tuesday), "Domestic Terrorism: The Threat from Within" (wednesday), "Exercises and Drills: A Practical Necessity", "Cyber-Terrorism Issues and Response","WMD Biological Tabletop Demo" (all thursday), "Lessons Learned from the Oklahoma City Bombing" (with Sam Gonzales, Intelligence Operations Specialist, FBI Counterintelligence Unit, Oklahoma City, OK.), "New Initiatives and New Directions at FEMA" with Lacy Suiter, Executive Associate Director, FEMA (all all friday)

Bernie McCreadie

Bernie McCreadie worked for the Cambria County Department of Emergency Services, also making emergency photos, still active in the area.
From an address list of a local database, it might be possible, that he knew Michael Kosnosky
(Johnstown) from Lockheed Martin AeroParts, Inc.

Michael Hoover

Though extensive research, we couldn't find anything about Michael Hoover yet, who also attended the 10/9-"terror meeting" in the air traffic control tower at Cambria Airport.

June Kania

Same here. No info.
(Seems not to be John F. Kania, Jr., from Pennsylvannia, a son of a Pearl Harbour survivor, Southington, CT)

Victoria "Vikki" King

Apparently with Bethel A.M.E. Church, Johnstown.

Georgia J. (Samo) Lehman

Director of emergency social services for the Keystone Chapter of the American Red Cross, Johnstown, Pa. No further suspicious connections.

Leah Spangler

Executive director of, a supplemental educational services and non-profit agency in Johnstown.

Godzilla and Murtha

Now let's also take a closer look into Rep. John Murtha, who was best buddy with the Pentagon and their contractors.

Murtha himself has a military background. He joined the Marine Corps and volunteered in Vietnam in 1966-67.
He brought in Kuchera Defense, United Defense, Lockheed Aeroparts and the National Drug Intelligence Center, which was about to be set up in Washington.
His immense military impact on Pennsylvannia was also reason enough, to invite him to special military conferences, even as a speaker.

The Gordian world

On March 26, 2001, Murtha joined a military conference, called "Expeditionary Solutions for a Gordian World", subtitled "Working Together to Thwart Aggression".

"The Gordian world in the title suggests the metaphor of the Gordian knot, the knot tied by Gordius the king of Gordia in ancient times," said IFPA Conference President Dr. Robert L. Pfaltzgraff, Jr. "Gordian knots are difficult, but they are not impossible to deal with as Alexander the Great in the third century B.C. demonstrated. When he cut through the knot, he actually cut through it with his sword. Maybe we'll do so here with intellectual swords."

This wording sounds familiar to the words of PNAC. Something devastating needs to happen, a "new Pearl Harbour". Was 9/11 supposed to be the cut through the gordian knot?

Among the speakers of this conference had been:

  • Lieutenant General Bruce B. Knutson, Jr., USMC
  • Arnold L. Punaro, SAIC (formerly working under Secretary of Defense William Cohen and Senator Sam Nunn)
  • Brigadier General Michael E. Ennis, Director, Intelligence HQMC
    (formerly Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California
    three years as a translator on the Washington-Moscow Hotline (MOLINK)
    1998 named as Commander of the Joint Intelligence Center Pacific (JICPAC) in Pearl Harbor
  • Major General Clifford L. Stanley
    (former Special Assistant to the Director of the FBI)
  • Maj. Gen. James N. Soligan, director of Strategy, Policy and Plans Directorate, Headquarters U.S. Southern Command, Miami, Fla.

  • James B. Steinberg, former Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
    worked as a Senior Analyst at RAND.
    Steiberg also served as Senator Edward Kennedy's principal aide for the Senate Armed Services Committee. Degree from Yale Law School.
  • Brigadier Tim Gregory Royal Marines, Deputy Defence and Marine Attaché and the Chief of Staff of British Defence Staff (Washington)
    Head of Rest of World Intelligence at the Fleet HQ during the Gulf War
  • Col. Staff Pilot Mohammed Ahmed Hamel AlQubaisi, Defense Military Naval & Air Attache United Arab Emirates Embassy, Military Intelligence school
  • Major-General Cameron Ross, Director General international Security Policy in National Defence Headquarters in Ottawa

  • Mr. Michael Rolince, Section Chief International Terrorism Operations Section, FBI

In August, 1988, Mr Rolince was designated as a Supervisory Special Agent within the Boston division.
Rollins was also involved in the FBI observation of the alleged hijackers Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, incl. the January 2000 Malaysia meeting, also observed by CIA.

On August 23, 2001, the CIA advised FBIHQ that on June l3,200l, al-Mihdhar obtained a U.S. visa in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, using a Saudi Arabian passport and provided his intended address as the Marriott Hotel, NYC. The visa was valid until October 3, 2001.

That same day, the FBI received a copy of a CIA communication to "watch-list" al-Mihdhar. This infonnation was e-mailed to FBI New York on August 24, 2001. On August 24, 2001, FBIHQ received a copy of al-Mihdhar's visa application from the U.S. Embassy in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, indicating al-'Mihdhar had sponsored his own travel to the United States. The application listed al-Mihdhar's plans to remain for one month, to depart August 4, 2001.

On August 28, 2001, a full briefing was provided to FBI New York in order to initiate a full field intelligence investigation to locate and fully identify al-Mihdhar. On August 30, 2001, FBI agents contacted security for the Marriott Corporation which agreed to do a search of all guests registered at Marriott Hotels in the entire New York metropolitan area. On September 5, 2001, they advised their search for al-Mihdhar was negative.

On September 10, 2001, based upon previously received intelligence, a lead was sent to FBI Los Angeles to conduct a similar search with the security officer of the Sheraton Corporation. This lead was not covered until after the September 11 attacks and was also negative.

Terror Targets New York, Florida, DC

The United States was not only prepared on an attack, they also observed some terror patsies, had their informants, infiltrated alleged "terror cells" and trained emergency units on the possibility of an attack, including crashing and collapsing Towers, everything during the same time period:

In 1999, the U.S. Airforce Airman's Manual, showed the Twin Towers as "units with target potential", as seen above, discovered by theMemory Hole.

On May 17th, 2004, recently appointed Homeland Security chief Bernard Kerik, confirmed at the 9/11 panel, that he had been involved in "drills and tabletop exercises simulating a bio/chemical attack", "blackouts, plane crashes" and "building collapses"!

Kerik said, that "all tested the effectiveness of the city's coordinated response system".

Between June 1-4, 2001, the "terrorist" exercise AMALGAM Virgo 01, took place at the Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla. The exercise also included MQM-107 drones, which might have been useful for a switch-plane scenario.

Only 3 weeks later, apparently the anthrax attacks on Florida, had been drilled at "Dark Winter". The anthrax attack was obviously delayed and took finally place October 2001, though the White House already took vaccines on Sep11th.

The same pattern also in Washington, DC.
Many fire units had been well prepared for a terror attack.
(See also The lost terror drill? -Chapter 11)

In May 2001, the Tricare exercise included a crash of a Boeing 757 airliner into the U.S. military’s headquarters.

Coincidentally, on the morning of 9/11, three (!), fire units had been involved in an exercise:

Fire Truck 101 from the Arlington County Fire Department
The same fire unit was already involved in the May 2001 “Abbottsville” drill, a sequel of Don Abbott's (Fieldsoft) November 2000-Pentagon Plane Crash exercise.

Fort Belvoir Fire Department
The same fire unit was also involved in a satellite-link exercise from April 2000, conducting "Urgent Victory", a war exercise in Grafenwoehr, Germany., together with the 464th Chemical Brigade, originally stationed in Johnstown.

Fort Myer fire fighters
Including one assignement at the Heliport Station at the Pentagon!
According to the statement of Alan Wallace, he was "assigned there the day before as well".
On the morning of Sep11th, he was supported by Mark Skipper and Dennis Young.
They arrived "at about 0730".
He also said, that there were two other individuals at the heliport site:
Sean Berger (U.S. Army personnel) and Jackie Kidd, both active duty Army.

Wallace confirmed, that it was a new fire station, rarely used and they also used a new crash truck "an Emergency One Titan 3000".

As it turns out, their truck had been strangely disabled and became useless.
Its back end was on fire, having been parked against the building with the front end facing the heliport.
Wallace said, as part of the exercise, at about 08:30 AM, he "decided to pull the crash truck outside of the fire station and place it in a position more accessible to the heliport landing site.". It wasn't explained, what happened afterwards.
On another note, Wallace also pointed out, that "so many people think" Mark and he watched the plane hit the building:
"...We did NOT. We only saw it approach for an instant..."

Let's go back to the Shanksville area and Johnstown Airport, on the morning of Sep11th.

A careful analysis of all mainstream articles, sorted into a new timeline by John Doe II, shows, that something in the official "hijacked" rout doesn't add up.
A common claim, that flight93 was heading from the south towards Johnstown Airport is a clear
contradiction against the official flight path.

Did Flight 11 really pass this area and crashed over there?

What's happening at Johnstown-Cambria Airport?

By John Doe II

What's happening at John P. Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport
on 911?

In the days after 911 the following story is widely reported:

"Dennis Fritz, the air traffic manager, got a call from controllers in
Cleveland warning the Johnstown airport -- which has no radar of its own
-- *that a large aircraft was 20 miles south and had suddenly turned on
a heading for Johnstown.*

*"It was an aircraft doing some unusual maneuvers at a low level, which
is unusual for an aircraft that size,*"Fritz said last night.

""Supervisor Dennis Fritz and controller Thomas Hull picked up
binoculars -- the tower has no radar -- and scanned the horizon to the
south. The day was clear and, from the highest point in the area, they
could spot radio towers in neighboring Somerset County. *A large plane
would have stood out.*

"We didn't see a thing," Fritz said."

(This was) leading Fritz to believe that the plane was flying somewhere
in the 2,800 foot high ridges in that part of the Allegheny front.

"Dennis Fritz, director of the municipal airport in Johnstown, Pa., said
the *FAA called him several times as the plane approached his city*, and
even warned him to evacuate the tower for fear the jet was going to plow
into it.

(Washington Post, 9/13/01)

"When they (Cleveland) called back a minute later, it was 15 miles away.
They suggested we evacuate the tower and the airport because they didn't
know what was going to happen here. The aircraft was not communicating."

(Philadelphia Inquirer, 9/13/01)

*"'On the first call from Cleveland, they said a 757 was heading in our
direction at about 6,000 feet and descending,'* Fritz said. "They were
repeatedly trying to raise the pilot on the radio, but there was no
answer. " Within minutes, Fritz said, he began to move people from the
tower but hesitated to abandon it completely because he felt the
incoming plane might be in distress and need to make an emergency

(Bergen Record, 9/14/01)

*"Ninety seconds later (after first call), Cleveland called back. The
plane was now 15 miles south and heading directly for the Johnstown
tower. ***

"We suggest you evacuate," they told him.

Fritz ordered trainees and custodial staff out of the 85-foot tower. He
and Hull stayed at their posts and scanned the south with binoculars. It
occurred to Fritz that the plane must be flying below the level of the
mountain ridges around them."

""Dennis Fritz, chief air traffic controller at the Johnstown airport,
said he ordered the evacuation of nonessential employees at the tower
and the airport around 10 a.m. Tuesday after being alerted to 'a large
aircraft 20 miles to the south.'"
(Philadelphia Inquirer, 9/13/01)

"Forty-five seconds after telling Fritz to evacuate the Johnstown tower,
Cleveland Air Traffic Control phoned again.

"They said to disregard. The aircraft had turned to the south and they
lost radar contact with him.'"

"Then, somewhere within the air zone, about 15 miles south of Johnstown,
the plane turned again toward the south."

The plane crashed 16 miles south of Johnstown Airport.

(Bergen Record, 9/14/01)

This story of the third and last evacuation happening on the flight path
of UA 93 (Cleveland and Pittsburgh, too) bears many questions.

All accounts that give a precise direction of the suspicious airplane
heading towards Johnstown Airport agree that it was from the south.

(AP, 9/12/01 l)

(Philadelphia Inquirer, 9/13/01 b)

It might be rather surprising that Johnstown Airport was ordered to
evacuate as it certainly is not a target one could imagine the hijackers
to be interested. So while the FAA ordered Pittsburgh control towers at 9:49 to evacuate
no skyscraper in Pittsburgh was evacuated.

But if the FAA wants to run no risk on 911 and evacuate all airports that could be touched then again it's rather surprising that the advice was only given while UA 93 was
only 20 miles away.

Assuming a speed of 500 mph (it crashed with the official speed of 580 mph) this means that Johnstown had only 2 ½ minutes to evacuate. Which certainly is not sufficient especially as
Dennis Fritz doesn't decide immediately. So if the FAA wanted to run no
risk when then wait so long?

But leaving this point aside and having a closer look at what happened
at Johnstown Airport on 911 there are several very bizarre points that
stand out:

Not only is the final crash site of UA 93 16 miles *south* of Johnstown
Airport (so when first noticed as heading for Johnstown UA 93 is almost
exactly at the very location it will later crash (being apparently lower
than 2800 feet it is surprising that no eyewitness remarked this plane
then)) but this direction is in contradiction to the official flight
path of UA 93. If one has a look at the map and follows the official
flight path the plane would be west or maximum southwest of Johnstown
Airport. So, who is right?

There is one account that contradicts all the quoted statements that UA
93 was heading from the south to Johnstown Airport:

"John Hugya, an administrative assistant to U.S. Rep John Murtha, said
*he has been told that the plane initially flew over Cambria County
Airport in Johnstown.* There was no communication from the plane, and
the plane was not responding to Cleveland Center, which is how they knew
it was one of the hijacked planes."

But this seems even less believable than the above mentioned accounts.

If UA 93 flew over Cambria County Airport in Johnstown then certainly
Dennis Fritz would have remarked it?!

The next problem is the moment when Johnstown is signalled that there is
no more danger:

"Then, somewhere within the air zone, about 15 miles south of Johnstown,
the plane turned again toward the south."

In clear this means that UA 93 managed 5 miles in the very time
Johnstown had been alerted and finally been evacuated and the big
relieve came.

Assuming that UA 93 was heading with 500mph (it crashed with official
speed of 580 mph) *than the whole period when Johnstown was in danger
lasts 36 seconds! *

This is rather surprising and difficult to believe.

As UA 93 "turned again towards the south" "about 15 miles south of
Johnstown" it is basically exactly at the very place (within a mile)
that it will crash. This again is quite unlikely. Nobody reported a 180°
turn of UA 93 in the very last minute of its flight. And no eyewitness
has recalled this.

One last question is also why Johnstown Airport neither sees UA 93 nor
the white jet that seven eyewitnesses remarked at the crash site.
Cleveland stated that UA93 was flying at an altitude of 6000 feet and
descending. This is also reported by Cleveland controller Stacey Taylor
who was in charge of UA 93 (NBC, 9/11/02). So if it was a clear day, a
big aircraft would stand out and it was obviously flying above 2800 feet
why then wasn't it seen?

But why does Johnstown Airport have no radar forcing the staff to use

On June 15, 1999 the following information is made about Johnstown
Airport on the site of the Airport Traffic Control Service:

"Control tower services have been taken over by the Department of
Defense. ATC services are provided by Federal Employees of the US Air

and we find the following information:


So, how come they hadn't no radar on 911?

Why does nothing of this story that explains the evacuation of Johnstown
Airport makes any sense? Or in other words: It makes as little sense as
the explanation surrounding the evacuation of Cleveland tower and
Cleveland Airport.


Definition: (DOD) A totally integrated shipboard weapon system that combines computers, radars, and missiles to provide a defense umbrella for surface shipping.

CMIS/DMIS history

Congress set aside funds and the Consequence Management Interoperability Services (CMI – Services) project began.

Responders provided requirements and assisted with analysis and testing.

Project transitioned from DoD/USMC to FEMA eGov Disaster Management program;
the name changed from CMI – Services to DMI – Services.

Responders asked for tools development first.

Debris problem

Officially, flight93 crashed at Shanksville. This is conflicting with the following report:
"...Moments after the crash, Carol Delasko initially thinks someone had blown up a boat on Indian Lake: “It just looked like confetti raining down all over the air above the lake...”

(Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 9/14/01)

Hull, Lt. Col. Edward J. , one of the air traffic controllers, was also 193rd Regional Support Group commander and former commander of the 258th ATCS.

Fritz, Dennis

In some articles, Fritz turned into "director of the municipal airport" (WP), in others he's the "air traffic manager" or "chief air traffic controller" (Philadelphia Inquirer).
Fact is, Joseph D. McKelvey was and still is Executive Director of Johnstown Airport, also member of the "Aviation Council of Pennsylvannia">

Johnstown Airport
Within 7 months, Johnstown Airport faced two unexplained plane crashes

October 2000
"...A twin-engine plane carrying state Transportation Secretary Bradley L. Mallory made an emergency landing at Johnstown-Cambria County Municipal Airport after an engine failed Monday morning...
...Mallory, 48, was appointed transportation secretary by Ridge on Jan. 13, 1995 after previously serving as an attorney and deputy secretary for the state agency...
...It was the second time in two years a plane carrying Mallory was forced to make an emergency landing. In 1998, Mallory said he was traveling in a state-owned plane when a turbo engine malfunctioned en route to Franklin, Franklin County..."

May 2001
A small plane crashed and killed two men, 15 miles north of Johnstown, after takeoff from the Johnstown-Cambria County Airport. The cause of the crash was not immediately disclosed.
2.5 years later, Mary Ann Guercio, widow of one of these victims, filed a lawsuit blaming the accident, in part, on a defective carburetor and unmarked power lines.


Thx to Matthew E. for pointing me on the "Knox drill" and DC Fire Unit exercise reports (see below). Thx also for the latest findings of TheMemoryHole.
See also The lost terror drill? -Chapter 11

John Doe II:
This chapter is based on the central finding of 911 researcher
Zeitmaschine and the research of Time 8+ and Zaphod 36.

Thx to the rest of Team8+ (*temporary name) for an extraordinary teamwork on this topic:
Brad M., Frank Levi, k-robjoe, Christian Walther, WoodyBox, DulceDecorum and seatnieb.

Preparing 9/11 during 2001

April 2001
As disclosed by watchgroup POGO, "five months prior to 9/11—officials at the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) wanted to develop a response in the event that a terrorist group used an airliner as a missile to attack the Pentagon. According to the e-mail, aides to the Joint Chiefs of Staff rejected the scenario as “too unrealistic.”

May 2001
Pentagon's DiLorenzo clinic’s tri-service staff participated in a simulation exercise for
the possibility crash of a Boeing 757 airliner into the U.S. military’s headquarters.

May 2001
Unit 161 of Fort Myer Fire Department, in a sequel of Don Abbott's (Fieldsoft) November 2000-Pentagon Plane Crash exercise

June, 6th 2001:
"...United Airlines Flight 1230, a fictional flight carrying 89 passengers,
"crashed" at the Portland International Jetport on Thursday, kicking off an
emergency exercise held every three years at the airport...."

June 12, 2001
Exercise Mall Strike 2001, Westmore County area around Shanksville
Anti-terrorist drill responding to a fictitious report of an explosion at the Greengate Mall.

~June/July 2001
Westmore County Drill, area around Shanksville, simulating a terrorist attack

June 8th- 9th, 2001
"Operation Amber Sky", Dayton International Airport, Ohio.
"Realistic" full-scale mock exercise, including a simulation of "a disaster at the airport".
The exercise was on runway 6R* near the Amateur Trapshoot Association grounds.

June 22-23, 2001
The US GOV organised their biggest bio terror scenario so far: DARK WINTER.

June 1-4, 2001
"Terrorist" exercise AMALGAM Virgo 01 at the Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla.

August 6th-10th International Conference on Disaster Management

September 8th, 2001
Erie County/Buffalo Niagara airport "terror drill"
"Full-scale terrorist exercise", more than 350 participants were involved in this exercise that simulated an aircraft landing with a terrorist on board and the threat of an explosive device on a plane.

September 1-14,2001
Exercise Ellipse Alpha, which took place in an undisclosed location
(Sequel from 1998 and 1999 drills, responding to a domestic radiological Weapon of Mass Destruction.

September 10th, 2001
"Anti-terror meeting" at Murtha Johnstown Airport, Westmore County/Shanksville area, incl.
Sergeant Koshute (LEPC), plus Michael Hoover, Ron Springer, Ralph Saylor, Bernie McCreadie, June Kania, Mike Huss, Vikki King, Georgia Lehman and Leah Spangler.

Sep11th, 2001
Besides the already well-documented four distractive "wargames" on that morning, we're currently also count at least 5(!) terror-exercises and another emergency drill.
We can assume, that like with the purpose of "wargames", there had been more "emergency exercises" throughout the country, to confuse from the most important drills.

Fire Truck 101, Arlington County Fire Department ("Exercise")

Fort Belvoir County (Virginia) Fire Dep (Training "exercise"), together with

Fort Myer Fire Department, Heliport Station at the Pentagon

Unnamed NRO exercise:
Simulation of a plane crash into the NRO headquarters

Warmup of Sep 12th, 2001- Exercise
Tripod II
Biowar exercise in New York City scheduled for September 12, but officially "postponed"

Furthermore, possibly as a distraction, on September 11, 2001, Knox County EMA, along with personnel from the United States Coast Guard, Maine Emergency Management, Lincoln County EMA, Emergency Response agencies,communications and hospitals from both counties and MS Scotia Prince Ferry were in the beginning stages of a mass casualty drill.
The exercise was halted between 9:30 and 10:00 a.m. and participants returned to their respective agencies."

The "Knox Regional Communications Activity Report For 10 September 2001" writes:

"...The US Coast Guard in conjunction with Knox and Lincoln County Emergency Management Agencies will be conducting a marine disaster exercise on September 11 & 12, 2001. The exercise will enable members of the response community to test emergency response procedures and plans for a potentially catastrophic marine disaster in and around the waters of Coastal Maine.
The exercise will center around a major catastrophe about the MS. Scotia Prince, a seven hundred passenger cruise ship, while she is enroute Portland, ME. From Nova Scotia. The Knox RCC will be heavily involved in the drill as well as Lincoln County Communications. The Lincoln County Mobile Command Post will be set up at the Samoset to handle all drill communications..."

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