"If you believe that people cannot be trusted to govern themselves,
then can they be trusted to govern others?"

-- Thomas Jefferson

R.I.P. Carlo Giuliani

SCP -- For Carlo Giuliani

All charges dropped in Genoa

Testimony of Mario Placanica

Fri Jul 27 2001 at 9:52:42
Mario Placanica is the Italian police officer
who shot and killed Carlo Giuliani on the
20th of July Of 2001 during a riot in the
town of Genova due to the G-8 summit.

Genoa police 'admit fabrication'

One of the key witnesses is Michele Burgio,
Mr Troiani's driver, who admits to planting
petrol bombs at the school.

According to the media reports, Mr Troiani
later admitted to prosecutors that
fabricating evidence was a "silly thing" to

Read other letters by pow wow

FreeRice has two goals:

1. Provide English vocabulary to everyone for free.
2. Help end world hunger by providing rice to
hungry people for free.

Prior Knowledge of 9/11

* MISPER - Missing person

* POLAC - An accident involving a police vehicle

* WOFF - Write off; a vehicle or other

property deemed a total loss for

insurance purposes


I Blame The Patriarchy

This "it's better than nothing"
response is a cop-out, and here's why:
it promotes the languid acceptance of
powerlessness and weakens resistance.
A Novel




War Is Horrible, but . . .

Many people have observed that wars have
recurred for thousands of years and therefore
will probably continue to occur from time to
time. The unstated insinuation seems to be
that in view of war's long-running
recurrence, nothing can be done about it, so
we should all grow up and admit that war is
as natural, and hence as unobjectionable, as
the sun's rising in the east each morning.
It's "how the world works."
If a viable alternative to the status quo can
be presented alongside a succinct revelation
of sufficient magnitude, then the curtain can
be ripped aside and the solution can be
presented simultaneously
iridescent cuttlefish 1:00 PM

Amenophis IV believed in her heart of
hearts that her BIOLOGICAL father was the


How to Smash the State
Fred Woodworth

Biking Chernobyl

Map Game

Match the 50 States

Patriot Revolution
Free Kurdistan
Picts and Pictish Language
Time Magazine's 50 Coolest Websites 2005
WendyMcElroy.com A site for Individualist
Feminism and Individualist Anarchism
Bill St. Clair:
transcripts of BBC's
The Power of Nightmares
Our Enemy, the State
Beautiful Baltimore.
TheocracyWatch: Making Sense Out of World Events
"Christians are mandated to gradually
occupy all secular institutions until Christ
returns" -- Definition of Dominion Theology
by sociologist Sara Diamond
Bands Against Bush
Queen of Sky
Pak's Place
Peter Lance
Not in Our Name
From the Rabbit Hole
Reagan's America
What is Fascism?

The Yes Men

"... I'll meet you 'round the bend my friend,
where hearts can heal and souls can mend..."
Girl Blog from Iraq... let's talk war,
politics and occupation.
Global Free Press
Iraq Body Count
Elin Jr.
IntellNet - The Intelligence Network
Critical Thinking on the Web?
Paul Treanor
This is probably inherent: if objections of
conscience are recognised, no sustainability
policies are possible. It is like belief in a
universal God: if you believe God is only for
believers, then you do not believe in a
universal God.
The damage caused by alcohol-acetaminophen
interaction is more likely to occur when
acetaminophen is taken after, rather than
before, the alcohol has been metabolized.
When Rimbaud was good, he was very, very good.
Reverend Mykeru
Waxes Prolix
Nevertheless, the documents that were
recovered enabled us to identify nearly 4,000
human radiation experiments sponsored by the
federal government between 1944 and 1974.

How States Fall and Liberty Triumphs

by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
The war party has never really understood
what freedom means. They have believed it is
something granted by government, or the
military as a proxy for government. They
believed that freedom is something that
exists because of the people running the
government or the laws that manage
society. In fact, freedom means the absence
of despotism of all sorts. It can never be
granted by the state. It can only be taken
away by the state. If a government manager
desires freedom for a society, his only path
is to get out of the way.
The discussion also made it clear that VP
Bush, Governor Clinton and his three
respective "handlers" were knee-deep in the
Cocaine venture and making a fist load of
The smuggler Barry Seal was assassinated in
February 1986, ostensibly by Colombian
hitmen. Shortly afterwards Brown was
instructed to go to Mexico to murder Seal's
co-pilot. He flew to Puerto Vallarta on June
18, 1986, was issued with a rifle and led to
his victim. But the man was not Seal's
co-pilot. Instead it was a CIA contract
employee called Terry Reed, who had worked on
a different part of the Mena operation.

Brown backed out at the last moment. He told
Tyrrell that there seemed to be a plan to
kill "anybody that apparently had anything to
do with what happened at Mena". Brown alleges
that he told Clinton about the assassination
mission to Mexico and Clinton simply said:
"Oh, that's good, that's good, L. D." Looking
back, Brown believes Clinton knew that the
intended quarry was Reed.

Lest We Forget

'The people need wholesome fear. They
want to fear something. They want
someone to frighten them and make them
shudderingly submissive. Haven't you
seen everywhere that after the beerhall
battles those who have been beaten are
the first to join the party as new
members? Why babble about brutality and
get indignant about tortures? The masses
want them. They need something that will
give them a thrill of horror.'

-- Ernst Rohm, SA Chief


Vigilant Sentinel in
the War on Terrorism
'Worst of all, bin Mahfouz allegedly has been
financing the bin Laden terrorist
network--making Bush a U.S. citizen who has
done business with those who finance and
support terrorists. According to USA Today,
bin Mahfouz and other Saudis attempted to
transfer $3 million to various bin Laden
front operations in Saudi Arabia in 1999.'

The White Rose

"I remember only too well an incident in a
cinema: someone sitting a few rows in front of me
was led away by the Gestapo. Apparently he had
made a derogatory remark to his companion about
Hitler during the preceding news reel. Whoever had
overheard him must have, as a patriotic duty,
tipped off the secret police."

Interview with
Antony C. Sutton
Thirty - Eight Ways to Win an Argument
from Schopenhauer's The Art of Controversy
100 people were paid $1,000 each to eat
a dose of perchlorate every day for six
months. Perchlorate is a toxic component of
rocket fuel that damages thyroid function,
preventing healthy development of fetuses
and children and causing cancer.

By 1966, Wackenhut could
confidently state that it had
secret files on 4 million

The White Rose

The leaflet was scathing in its criticism of
every-day Germans who sat back and did
nothing to combat the Third Reich.


Norman D. Livergood

Articles by Fred Woodworth

Books and Essays by John Zerzan

Abbie Hoffman quotes

George Orwell




Go, Paris, Go!

And with the 4th Amendment gone eyes are on the 1st
That's why I'm spittin' cyanide each and every verse
I see the Carlyle group and Harris Bank Accounts
I see 'em plead the 5th each and every session now
And while Reichstag burns I see the public buy it
I see the profilin see the media's compliance
War is good for business see the vicious make a savior
Hope you understand the time brother cause its major

-- Paris, "What Would You Do?"

Paris Responds Back:
                                                      Part 1                                                      
                                                      Part 2                                                      
                                                      Part 3                                                      
                                                      Part 4                                                      

To the Smithsonian or Bust:
The Scientific Legacy of Nikola Tesla

by Zara Herskovits

The Memory Hole
Tolstoy's last message
Heather Wokusch
The Lighter Side of Treasure State Review

They were by this time convinced that it was useless to struggle any
longer with the powers of evil, that seemed determined to make
Woodstock their own. These things happened on the Saturday night; and,
being repeated on the Sunday, they determined to leave the place
immediately, and return to London. By Tuesday morning early, all their
preparations were completed; and, shaking the dust off their feet, and
devoting Woodstock and all its inhabitants to the infernal gods, they
finally took their departure.106*

-- from
Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds,
Charles Mackay, LL. D.

Cheryl's Daily Diatribe:
Monday, April 8, 2002
WATER: The Stuff of Life.....and Death

"The wars of the next century will be about water."
-- The World Bank

At least one in every 5 people on the face of the planet are
without access to safe drinking water and the problem is doomed
to get worse - much worse - before it gets better. In the coming
few decades, two-thirds of the planet's remaining water supply
may be lost to pollution

Jacques Servin

Jacques Servin, who proved you can't trust software.
Jacques Servin, who made sense.
Jacques Servin, who made $5K for a prank.

We're Losing Our Civil Liberties for Nothing
David Morris, AlterNet
May 30, 2002

'Yet even with that knowledge, Ashcroft went
to Congress and asked for drastically new
invasive authority. And he famously warned
those who worried about the loss of liberty
that they were, in essence, traitors. "Those
who scare peace-loving people with phantoms
of lost liberty ... only aid terrorists."'

Peak Oil

Presentation at the Technical
University of Clausthal
December 2000



"Anarchism does not mean bloodshed; it does not mean robbery, arson,
etc. These monstrosities are, on the contrary, the characteristic
features of capitalism. Anarchism means peace and tranquility to all."

--August Spies, Haymarket anarchist
Insurgent Desire -- The Online Green Anarchy Archive
Arnold Beverly confesses to shooting Officer Faulkner in Mumia case
(Judge Yohn would not permit this as evidence.)
Christian nation my foot
Canadian court finds surveillance cameras infringe right to
freedom from unreasonable search and seizure.
The beauty of profitless capitalism
Get Your War On
Project Chariot Think the government wouldn't nuke its own people?
A History of Secret Human Experimentation, according to healthnewsnet
Human Experiments: A Chronology of Human Research
A History of U.S. Germ Warfare
Top Secret Report of Army Pearl Harbor Board [October 20, 1944].
USA PATRIOT Act was planned before 9/11, just like this war.
Jacques Ellul: "The premise being that if they can work with the computer,
they can forget what's inside and still be masters of the technology (Turkle, 1997)."
"The concept of anarchism
has always appealed to me" -- Commander Brian Paddick, Lambeth, UK
BBC item on Patrice Lumumba and Sidney Gottlieb

Other Things

The Quest For Overunity
(c) JLN Labs 1997-2003 -
by Jean-Louis Naudin
Gavin de Becker, Inc.
Word2Word.com: Learn foreign languages online
languagelovers.com: Foreign language exchange (chat, penpals, email)
The Death of Soloviev - G.I. Gurdjieff
You Gobi
Medieval Microphone?
History of Clocks
William Safire's Rules for Writers
Poems by Captain Beefheart
Want to learn a new language?
The SCUM Manifesto
Pets or Food?
Tapirs! Yay! Each of the four varieties of
tapir numbers only in the thousands.
Nice concert posters by Jagmo.
Tones to Troubleshoot AM Xmitters,
by John Bissett
Interview with Leon Theremin
The novel originally titled "1948"
MIDI in Visual C++
U Mich Guidelines to Non-Sexist Language
Peacefire -- anti-censorship activists
The Lobster
Acharya S
emacs: Local Variables in Files

Dominionism     Margie     9/11     Music Links